DA Caraga disperses cattle to LGU Esperanza
BUTUAN CITY -- The Department of Agriculture (DA)
Caraga distributed cattle, feeds and lot modules worth P1.5 million under the
Livestock-based Livelihood and Enterprise Development (LLED) Program on December
6, 2022 at Barangay Hawilian, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur.
The P1.5M worth of lot module consists of housing, stocks, feeds, drugs,
and biologics were turned over by Regional Technical Director Rebecca R. Atega,
together with Regional Livestock Program Coordinator Jekem Sanchez to Local
Chief Executive Deo Manpatilan, Jr., and OIC-Municipal Agriculturist Jovie
Ego-ugan of the Local Government Unit of Esperanza.
The LGU's counterpart is in terms of lot donation and establishment of forage and pasture grasses.
Being the first recipient of the program, LGU-Esperanza has chosen the
Esperanza Livestock and Poultry Raisers Association (ELPRA) chaired by Fernando
Lorsan to manage the LLED project. The association planned to use the 10
heifers and one bull for fattening.
“A few years from now, this will bring additional income to the association so
as promised, we will develop this enterprise and make use of its benefits,”
Lorsan said.
RTD Atega also encouraged the group to create a strategy that will serve as a
guide for the association to improve the enterprise.
“Create a strategy. Make use of every member’s ability to have the
responsibility for developing this cattle enterprise. And the most important
thing, make a recording of all of your transactions,” RTD Atega said.
Mayor Manpatilan Jr. also added that transparency in all of the association’s transactions is the key factor in achieving a successful organization. (Kent Warren Fugoso, Information Officer I, DA-RAFIS/PIA-Agusan del Sur)