DOH Caraga reports 29 new COVID-19 cases, bringing total to 116
BUTUAN CITY, June 26 -- The Department of Health (DOH) Caraga reports to have received on Friday, 207 RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) results from Davao Regional Medical Center (DMRC) and Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) sub-national laboratories.
Of the aforementioned RT-PCR results received, 160 tested negative while 47 turned positive for the COVID-19 virus.
The negative RT-PCR results are from the following: a) Follow-up tests of twenty-two (22) confirmed cases, b) Nine (9) Suspect Cases, c) Two (2) Probable Cases, and d) results coming from high-risk individuals who either have turned positive in the Rapid Antibody-based Test or with relevant travel and exposure to COVID-19.
As mentioned earlier, 47 samples are RT-PCR confirmed positive for COVID-19: a) Follow-up tests of 18 confirmed cases and b) 29 new cases.
With the new cases tallied, Caraga region now totals to 116 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases. Of the new cases, about 89.66% (26) are Locally Stranded Individuals, and 10.34% (3) Returning Overseas Filipinos. As to sex distribution, 55.17% (16) are males while 44.83% (13) are females. The majority of cases belong to ages 21-30 years old (44.83%). Cases are distributed in the following areas: Butuan City (3), Cabadbaran City (1), Nasipit, ADN (2), municipalities of Agusan del Sur- Bunawan (1), Rosario (1), San Francisco (1), Sibagat (1), Trento (1), Surigao City (2), municipalities in Surigao del Norte - Bacuag (2), Claver (4), Mainit (3), Malimono (1), Placer (1), San Francisco (1), Tubod (1), Bislig City (1), and municipalities of Surigao del Sur- Cantilan (1), Lingig (1).
Most of the cases (23) are asymptomatic (79.31%) but all are isolated in the different LGU quarantine facilities for strict monitoring; the remaining cases (6 or 20.69%) have signs and symptoms and are presently admitted in identified treatment facilities.
“Our goal has always been to flatten the curve by particularly preparing our health care system and not overwhelm it. Given the current situation and with the continued rise of our cases, the DOH regional office is continuously intensifying its technical assistance and logistic support to all treatment and monitoring facilities region wide," said DOH Caraga Regional Director Jose R. Llacuna, Jr.
"We are constantly reminding everyone to follow the minimum health standards and protocol measures against COVID-19, and all other diseases for that matter. Our safety lies in our hands,” Dr. Llacuna added. (DOH Caraga/PIA Caraga)
readies activities for 2020 WDAT celebration
By Jennifer P. Gaitano

This includes the Two-day Webinar on Ending the Online Sexual
Exploitation of Children (OSEC) by the Department of Education (DepEd)
Cabadbaran City Division and the Justice Peace Integrity of Creation,
Integrated Development Center, Incorporated (JPIC-IDC, Inc).
The committee will also facilitate the online Poster-Making Contest
which will be conducted by the JPIC-IDC and the International Justice Mission
(IJM). There are three categories of participants for this contest: primary,
secondary students, and government agencies.
A virtual press conference will also be scheduled in the month of July
2020 to discuss updates on WDAT through focal persons from different concerned
government agencies under the RIACAT-VAWC. It will be facilitated by the
Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Caraga.
According to Jesse Catherine Aranas, social welfare officer and focal
person from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Caraga, the
committee also welcomes other activities from other sectors in line with the
said celebration.
“We are also tapping our media partners to help us in this campaign and
in information dissemination of important issues and concerns about trafficking
in persons that the public should know,” said Aranas.
July 30 is United Nations World Day against Trafficking in Persons,
established to raise awareness of the plight of human trafficking victims, and
promote and protect their rights. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)
Caraga RTF vs
COVID-19 intensifies interventions as cases rise
By Xylia G. Ebron

During its 8th Teleconference Meeting on June 23, members of the task
force tackled the moratorium of flights for incoming locally stranded
individuals (LSIs) for Caraga Region from June 22 to July 4. The said
moratorium shall be limited to LSIs, pending the accreditation of the region’s
proposed COVID-19 laboratory testing centers. Measures to manage the entry of
uncoordinated and undocumented LSIs and Returning OFWs (ROFs) were also
extensively discussed.
Confirmed cases in the region have increased drastically since the
arrival of stranded individuals. Of the 87 confirmed cases, 13 of these are
ROFs while 53 are LSIs.
The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious
Disease (IATF-MEID) has approved their request during their 46th meeting on
June 15.
The task force also passed Resolution No. 47, Series of 2020, entitled
“A Resolution Exempting Bank Personnel Who are Transporting Money in the Region
from Checkpoint Protocols, Provided That They Wear Complete Personal Protective
Equipment,” for the safety and security of said personnel.
The meeting also enabled the designation of Office of Civil Defense
(OCD) Caraga Regional Director and RTF for COVID-19 Chairperson Liza R. Mazo as
spokesperson of the task force. (NEDA Caraga/DMNR/PIACaraga)
DSWD Caraga to provide cash aid to left out beneficiaries
DSWD Caraga to provide cash aid to left out beneficiaries
By Doreen Marielle N. Rosales

DSWD Caraga Regional Information Officer (RIO) Marko Davey Reyes
clarified that since Caraga region is no longer under Enhanced Community
Quarantine (ECQ), those who will be receiving the one-time P5,000 subsidy are
the additional 5 million poorest of the poor left out citizens.
“We coordinated LGUs to identify the beneficiaries who qualify to
receive assistance under the program. The department is now focusing on
validating these beneficiaries,” Reyes said.
There are now 111,475 waitlisted beneficiaries identified by the local
government units (LGUs) in the region, which include the Tulong
Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers #Barangay Ko Bahay Ko
(TUPAD-BBK) beneficiaries as a top-up grant of P1,800 and Social Security
System (SSS) pensioners with a monthly pension of less than P5,000.
DSWD Caraga is also coordinating with other government agencies that are
implementing COVID-19 assistance to avoid duplication.
“There are instances that members of the same household are
beneficiaries of the various assistance program. We are now aiming to maximize
assistance and give chance to others who are equally qualified by doing a
cross-validation,” he furthered.
To make the conduct of payout safer and more convenient, they will be
partnering with remittance centers.
Reyes also stated that the Department of Local and Interior Government
(DILG) has now been tasked to handle the cases of anomalies that have been
committed during the implementation of the previous tranche. (DMNR/PIACaraga)
DA-PRDP turns over
P22.1M enterprise project to boost rubber industry in Butuan
By Fretcher Magatao

“This dream is now a reality. We cannot build these facilities on our
own. We’re grateful that the government has responded to our needs through
DA-PRDP,” said KFPC Chairman Samuel Calawigan, Jr.
Calawigan said that the enterprise project helps the cooperative in
being the service provider for the rubber growers in Butuan City and the
neighboring municipalities. They provide inputs, tools, and budded rubber
planting materials for the recommended clones.
The P8.4 million of which is the infrastructure component of the
enterprise project that comprises the completed construction of the warehouse,
seedling production building, and seedbed to support its members and rubber

“We’ve been challenged by our goal so we’ve reached out helping the
rubber growers of the neighboring municipalities, and not just the cluster
members here in Butuan,” Calipayan added.
The cooperative has a cumulative rubber planted area of around 1,400
hectares for all the members and they are expecting an increase in production
now that the project has been completed.
“The members of the cooperative have grown from 158 members to 460. Most
have decided to be part of us when they saw that we are progressing and the
cooperative has been managed well,” said Calawigan.
“We’re confident that a project like this will be handled well by the
Cooperative. We have seen their hard work and they have maintained their good reputation,”
said Caraga Regional Executive Director and DA-PRDP Project Director Abel James
I. Monteagudo.
Other than the completed P22.1 million project, there is also the
ongoing construction of 9.82 km farm-to-market road (FMR) project amounting to
P158.9 million from DA-PRDP to support the Cooperative’s enterprise and the
rubber industry in Butuan City. (DA-PRDP Caraga/PIA Caraga)
Cabadbaran mayor bares efforts in helping farmers, other sectors during COVID-19 crisis
By Jennifer P. Gaitano
BUTUAN CITY, June 26 (PIA) -- During the Network Briefing on Friday
hosted by Secretary Martin Andanar of the Presidential Communications
Operations Office (PCOO), Mayor Judy Amante of Cabadbaran City bared efforts in
helping affected sectors to cope with the new normal amid the coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Amante bared that the city government has provided a P2-million loan
assistance to the cooperatives in the city for them to be able to buy the palay
seedlings and for rice milling.
“We have also facilitated the release of P5,000 to each of the 200 rice
farmers. And we are thankful to the Department of Agriculture because this is
one of their programs and they continue to assist the city in providing the
needed aid for the affected farmers. Aside from that, our farmers also received
one sack of rice each,” she said.
Now that the city is already under the Modified General Community
Quarantine (MGCQ), Amante said that the farmers’ produce are back on tract and
they assist them in bringing it to the market. “The city government also got
milled rice direct from our farmers which we used during the distribution of
rice subsidy for the affected households in the barangays,” she added.

Meanwhile, on the tourism aspect, Mayor Amante revealed that the city
government continues to implement the infrastructure projects which include the
provincial road leading to River Tugnaw and Baranas Falls, Sitio Saburo to
Mahaba provincial road leading to Sumag-a Falls.
“This year, the city government also has started the establishment of
the construction of cottages of our beach in Caasinan, and we will also
establish our Tourism Information and Pasalubong Center. So now, even if we are
under MGCQ, our targeted projects are still being implemented,” said Amante.
The business establishments in the city that were permitted to operate
are also being monitored if they comply with the imposed standards and health
protocols as they accommodate clients.
“We need to get moving and help the sectors survive this crisis
especially those small businesses which were not able to operate for months
since the onset of the COVID-19. The city government sees to it that there is
balance in addressing our health concerns and our economy," Amante
underscored. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)
COVID-19 cases in
Caraga rise to 87
By Doreen Marielle N. Rosales
BUTUAN CITY, June 26 (PIA) -- Local health authorities in Caraga region
report the rise of confirmed cases in the region, now reaching to 87.
Per the Department of Health (DOH) Caraga’s data, 13 of these cases are
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) while 53 are Locally Stranded Individuals
With the rise of cases and the confirmation of localized transmission of
the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), respective local government units
(LGUs) in the region are now pushing for widened testing.
After having imposed Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) in 33
of its barangays, the Legislative Council of the city government of Butuan is
now conducting committee hearings for the creation of an ordinance to enact
widened testing.
In the province of Agusan del Sur, provincial governor Santiago Cane has
stated through a Facebook post made on June 21 that individuals included in the
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APOR) in the province shall be
subjected to rapid testing for free, especially those coming from Butuan City,
until supplies of the kits last.
While the request of the Caraga Regional Task Force against COVID-19 One
Caraga Shield (RTF-COCS) for a moratorium of all transportation modes of LSIs
and ROFs has been approved, stranded individuals will still be catered upon
their arrival hence the need to widen access to testing.
Heightened border control is also being imposed in provinces to prevent
the further spread of the disease. Even in areas under Modified Community
Quarantine (MGCQ), everyone is required to present travel authority when
traveling, especially those who have traveled to or are from Butuan City.
While the number of confirmed cases has risen, the number of recoveries
has also increased. DOH Caraga reports that 16 cases have now recovered. The
region now has 71 remaining active cases. (DMNR/PIACaraga)
Cabadbaran youth
joins online contests amid stay-at-home protocol
By Doreen Marielle N. Rosales

In today’s Laging Handa Network Briefing with Presidential
Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar, the city’s
SK Federation president Crestin Joy Bermudez bared that their youth has
been made to participate in online contests launched province-wide while they
remain idle in the entire duration of heightened community quarantine.
“The youth were able to participate in various contests such as
e-sports, Mobile Legends (ML) contest, where photo contest, and spoken word
poetry. An online painting contest will be launched next week,” she elaborated.
As for the youth organization’s future projects for the pandemic,
Bermudez stated that in addition to the food aid provided by the city
government, they will also be distributing food packs to residents of the city.
The SK Federation in her own community was able to distribute 1,752 food
packs to fellow residents. Other SK Chairpersons will also be starting their
distribution soon as preparations have been made.
Bermudez also encouraged her fellow youth to contribute in their own
little ways to the initiatives of the local government to address pressing
issues faced due to health crisis and to remain obedient to the directives of
the authorities.
“To my fellow youth, I ask that you continue to abide protocols that
have been set during this pandemic,” she said. (DMNR/PIACaraga)
DOH confirms five new
cases of COVID-19 in SurSur
By Nida Grace P. Barcena
TANDAG CITY, Surigao del Sur, June 26 (PIA) -- Another five new
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive cases were added in Surigao del
Sur bringing the total of COVID-19 cases in the province to eight, according to
the Department of Health (DOH)-Caraga Region Regional Director Dr. Jose Llacuna
Based on the June 22 report, of the five new cases added, two were from
Cantilan town, two from Bislig City, and one from Tandag City.
Governor Alexander Pimentel, in an interview aired over Radyo Pilipinas Tandag,
revealed that the positive case recorded in Tandag City is a locally stranded
individual (LSI) from Cebu.
It can be recalled that the announcement of the Department of Health
(DOH) Regional Director Jose Llacuna Jr. on Friday, June 19 brought several
reactions on social media, in which, Surigao del Sur was included in the list
for the first time with three COVID-19 confirmed positive.
The Provincial Health Office reported that the first three confirmed in
Surigao del Sur included: a 43-year-old, male, a returning overseas Filipino
(ROF) from KSA and arrived Surigao del Sur last May 30, 2020. The 2nd case is a
87-year-old, male, a locally stranded individual from Davao City, while the 3rd
case is a 36-year-old, male with a travel history from Butuan City. They were
all asymptomatic and on strict facility quarantine.
Meanwhile, the previous suspect case admitted at Cortes Municipal
Hospital was tested negative for COVID-19.
As of June 22, Bislig City has four COVID-19 positive cases, two in
Cantilan town, one in Lingig town, and one in Tandag City. (PIA-Surigao del
Tandag City marks
13th charter day
By Nida Grace P. Barcena

Previously, the celebration was highlighted with the delivery
of the State of the City Address (SOCA) but Tandag City Mayor Roxanne
Pimentel has decided to cancel it this year and other festivities due to the
The simple celebration was started with a holy mass at the new San
Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral in Barangay Rosario officiated by Most Reverend
Raul B. Dael, Bishop of Tandag, joined by the city government officials and
employees, including the attached national government agencies in the city. It
was followed by a motorcade and it was concluded with a public awareness
activity at the city hall.
Also during the celebration, Mayor Pimentel led the distribution of the
10-kilogram bag of rice and grocery package to all the employees of the city
government held at the City Legislative Building in Barangay Awasian. The said
distribution is a way of extending gratitude to the employees who are working
behind the whole system of the city government in extending basic services to
On the same day, around 8,133 bags of 10 kilograms rice were distributed
to six center barangays of Tandag City: Telaje; Rosario; Mabua Bag-ong Lungsod;
Dagocdoc; and Bongtud.
It can be recalled that on June 23, 2007, under the administration of
former Tandag Mayor Alexander Pimentel now the provincial governor of Surigao
del Sur, Tandag town was officially proclaimed as a component city after the
plebiscite pursuant to Republic Act 9392. (with a report from Tandag
City-LGU/PIA-Surigao del Sur)
sa sakyanang pandagat nakadawat og hinabang sa probinsya sa Dinagat
By Susil D. Ragas
SAN JOSE, Dinagat Islands, Hunyo 26 (PIA) -- Nakigtambayayong ang
probinsya sa Dinagat Islands ug munisipyo sa San Jose sa pagpanghatag ug relief
goods isip tabang sa displaced workers sa commercial boats sa lungsod sa San
Jose niadtong Hunyo 24, 2020, didto sa Philippine Ports Authority, San Jose
Terminal, ning probinsya.
Nakatagamtam sa naasoy nga tabang sa gobyerno ang mga pahinante sa
sakyanang pandagat. Pipila lamang sila sa mga nawad-an og trabaho gumikan sa
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic ug dako kini og epekto sa
tagsa-tagsa nila ka pamilya.
Sa laing bahin, atol sa maong kalihukan, gi-anunsyo ni Gobernadora Kaka
Bag-ao sa mga benepisyaryo ang kasamtangang kahimtang sa probinsya kabahin sa
sakit nga COVID-19 ug nanghinaot siya sa kooperasyon sa mga pahinante sa
paghatod ug solusyon sa pandemya nga gisagubang karon.
Iya usab giimbitar ang mga pahinante sa pagtambong sa himuong
Inter-Agency Task Force Meeting sa probinsya aron mapadayag nila ang naa sa
ilang huna-huna nga posibleng mamahimong solusyon sa pipila ka problema nga
adunay kalambigitan sa COVID-19.
Nangunay mismo sa pagpanghatag sa maong relief goods si Gob. Kaka
dinuyogan nila Board Member Noli Abis (District 2), San Jose Municipal
Administrator Ludwig Ecleo, Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Officer Rosario Roxas-Alon, Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer
Zenaida Lerma Escopete, Provincial Community Affairs Officer Jay Benitez, ug
PPA Terminal Manager Jerk Comparativo. (Dinagat Islands-PIO/PIA-Dinagat Islands)
DBP credit relief to institutional
borrowers reaches P11-billion
BUTUAN CITY, June 26 -- State-run Development Bank of the Philippines
(DBP) granted payment moratorium of up to six months to 386 borrowers under an
existing loan program that provides financing support for the rehabilitation
efforts of both public and private institutions adversely affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic, a top official said.
DBP President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel G. Herbosa said the
payment deferment totaled P11.12-billion, which was granted under the Bank’s
Rehabilitation Support Program on Severe Events (DBP RESPONSE) and benefitted
companies from key client groups such as construction, manufacturing, health,
education, transport and storage among others.
“DBP is committed to provide the necessary support to our clients as
they gradually capitalize on the easing quarantine restrictions, which have
taken a toll on their businesses,” Herbosa said.
DBP is the eighth largest bank in the country in terms of assets and
provides credit support to four strategic sectors of the economy –
infrastructure and logistics, micro, small and medium enterprises, social
services and community development, and the environment.
The payment moratorium is DBP’s response to government’s call for
financial institutions to grant additional temporary credit relief to borrowers
whose businesses were affected by the COVID-19 heath threat, which is among the
provisions in Republic Act No. 11469 or the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act.
Herbosa said DBP has also approved new loans amounting to P400-million
to two manufacturing companies and a local government unit (LGU) for their
respective crisis response and recovery plans under DBP RESPONSE.
He urged local businesses, LGUs, and other government entities to seize
the opportunity during the crisis to improve their existing systems and
strengthen business continuity programs to mitigate the impact of future
pandemics or similar crisis situations.
“We at DBP are ready to provide the needed tools and assistance to our
partners in the business community and fellow government institutions as they
reassess the cogency of their existing systems amidst a vastly-changed
socio-economic environment spawned by this pandemic," Herbosa said.
(DBP/PIA Caraga)
DTI launches seeding
program in province of Dinagat Islands
BUTUAN CITY, June 26 -- The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in
the Province of Dinagat Islands through the Negosyo Center Basilisa
has its first launching of the Livelihood Seeding Program - Negosyo
Serbisyo sa Barangay (LSP-NSB) for 2020 in Barangay Benglen,
The three-day profiling of potential grantees on June 8–10, 2020
was attended by 100 micro and small entrepreneurs.
Said launching was divided into three batches to ensure that the
physical distancing and health protocols were followed.
“Barangay Benglen was chosen as a beneficiary barangay because of
its seen potential in economic development, it being a home to the priority
industries of DTI Province of Dinagat Islands,” said DTI-PDI Provincial
Director Arnold Faelnar.
These industries include cashew production and aquaculture activities
such as king crab and bangus production. Also situated near the Gaas Inlet
River, the barangay holds potentials in engaging in the tourism industry.
“As a far-flung barangay of Basilisa, bordering the municipality of
Cagdianao, the roads going to Brgy. Benglen has become a challenge for the
personnel, but seeing the potentials of the place, DTI focused on the possible
developments it can usher through the beneficiary micro, small and medium
entrepreneurs composed mostly of individuals from the fisher folk, farming and
women sectors,” Faelnar added.
The LSP-NSB aims to provide a package of livelihood kits and business
advisory services to Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
As of press time, DTI Province of Dinagat Islands is still on the
process of profiling the participants to identify eligible beneficiaries of the
Said DTI provincial office has also already reached Barangay Diegas in
Basilisa, Barangay Matingebe in San Jose and Barangay Nueva Estrella in
LSP-NSB focuses on expanding the services to MSME beneficiaries in
identified barangays including those in the Local Communist Armed Conflict
(LCAC) affected areas and Indigenous People (IP) communities, and to MSMEs
affected by natural and human-induced calamities including health disasters
arising from epidemics and pandemics to promote entrepreneurship and bridge the
income inequality gaps in the peripheries.
In 2019, the program has covered 3,066 barangays in the entire country,
assisting 41,520 MSMEs. (DTI-Caraga/PIA-Caraga)
Calibrated nga
pagpauli sa mga stranded Caraganons nauyonan
By Karen Kie V. Decamotan
DAKBAYAN SA BUTUAN, Hunyo 26 -- Nauyonan sa mga lideres sa Caraga atol
sa 8th Regional Task Force for COVID-19 One Caraga Shield [RTF-COCS]
teleconference, niadtong Hunyo 23, nga himoong calibrated ang pagpasulod sa mga
Locally Stranded Individuals [LSI] ug Returning Overseas Filipinos [ROF]
pagkahuman sa moratorium sa ilang mga biyahe pauli nga gisugdan niadtong Hunyo
22 hangtud sa Hulyo 4.
Imbes nga sama ra sa walay control ang biyahe, himoon nga kausa o kaduha
lang kini matag semana/buwan ug limitahan ang gidaghan niini aron mapahiluna
gyod sa mga moatiman kanila pag-abot nila sa Caraga, sumala pa sa nauyonan sa
diskusyon nga gipangunahan ni Gov. Dale B. Corvera sa Agusan del Norte, ang
Chairperson sa RTF-COCS ug sa Caraga Regional Development Council. Hinuon,
hulaton pa sa RTF-COCS ang mahimong desisyon sa nasudnong kadagkuan kalabot
niining maong resolusyon.
Mahinumdoman nga gihangyo sa mga lideres sa Caraga sa milabay’ng semana
nga mag-isyu usa og moratorium ang National Inter-agency Task Force on Emerging
Infectious Disease (IATF-EID) sa mga biyahe sa LSIs ug ROF pauli sa Caraga aron
mapahiluna nilag maayo ang pagplastar sa mangabot ug malikayan ang nahitabo sa
pipila ka mga nanguli nga nahimong positibo sa COVID-19. Gitugotan kini sa
IATF-EID ug kasamtangang giundang karon ang maong mga biyahe.
Sa panaghisgut sa maong tigum gitaho ni Regional Director Lilibeth
Famacion sa Department of Interior and Local Government [DILG] nga systematic
ug organisado ang pag-koordinar sa ilang buhatan. Apan, adunay pipila ka mga
indibidwal nga gitawag nga “undocumented LSI o ROF” o “strikers” nga makalusot
tungod kay magkuha sila og kaugalingong ticket ug kalit ra moabot sa rehiyon
without prior notice nga maoy posibleng hinungdan sa taas nga ihap sa positibo
sa COVID-19.
Hinuon, dugang ni Famacion nga ang maong mga strikers naay mga rekisitos
sama sa medical certificate ug travel authority lakip na ang pag-agi og rapid
Nagkahiusa usab ang mga lideres sa lima ka probinsya ug usa ka syudad
(Butuan) sa Caraga nga mag-contribute og Php100,000 matag usa aron ma-sustiner
ang panginahanglanon sa mga LSIs ug ROFs, ingon man sa mga frontline personnel
nga i-deploy sa seaports, airports ug drop-off areas sama sa pagkaon ug
transportasyon ug aron usab masuportahan ang mga frontline workers ilabina sa
massive arrival sa mga LSI ug ROFs sa umaabot nga mga adlaw. (LGU Agusan del
Norte/PIA Agusan del Norte)
COVID-19 cases sa
Caraga region, pumalo na sa 87
By Doreen Marielle N. Rosales
LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Hunyo 26 (PIA) -- Kinumpirma ng mga local health
authorities ang pagtaas ng kumpirmadong kaso sa Caraga region na pumalo na
ngayon sa 87.
Base sa datos ng Department of Health (DOH) Caraga, 13 sa mga
kumpirmadong kaso ay Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) habang 53 naman ay
Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs).
Dahil sa pagtaas ng kaso at ng pagkakaroon ng local transmission ng
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), isinusulong na ngayon ng mga local
government units (LGUs) ang pagsasagawa ng malawakang testing.
Matapos ang pagpapatupad Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ)
sa 33 na mga barangay ng syudad, patuloy ang committee hearing ng Legislative
Council ng local na pamahalaan ng Butuan City sa pagbabalangkas ng ordinansa
ukol sa malawakang rapid testing.
Sa probinsya ng Agusan del Sur, inilahad ni Provincial Governor Santiago
Cane sa isang Facebook post niya noong Hunyo 21 na isasailalim sa libreng rapid
testing ang mga indibidwal na kabilang sa Authorized Persons Outside of
Residence (APOR), lalo na ang mga galing sa Butuan City, hangga’t maubos ang
supplies ng kit.
Bagamat inaprubahan na ang request ng Caraga Regional Task Force against
COVID-19 One Caraga Shield (RTF-COCS) ukol sa moratorium para sa lahat ng modes
of transportation ng mga LSIs at ROFs, patuloy ang pagpapauwi ng mga stranded
na indibidwal kung kaya’t kinakailangan ang access sa malawakang testing.
Pinaigting na din ang border control sa loob ng mga probinsya sa
rehiyon. Kinakailangan magpakita ng travel authority ang lahat ng mga
residenteng bumabyahe, lalo na ang galing sa lungsod ng Butuan, kahit sa mga
lugar na isinailalim sa Modified Community Quarantine (MGCQ).
Sa kabila ng pagtaas ng kumpirmadong kaso, tumaas na din ang bilang ng
recovered cases sa rehiyon. Umabot na sa 16 ang recoveries. Kasalukuyang may 71
na active cases ang rehiyon. (DMNR/PIACaraga)